About Us

Our staff consists of native educated jungle specialists dedicated to make your wild life experience a unique and memorable one!

Our guides are certified by the " National Trust for Nature Conservation of Nepal". 

They are passionate native specialists dedicated to your security, your jungle experience, and your better understanding of the local ecosystem. 


Jungle Guides: 

Pawan, Mukti and Bishnu are all born in the village. They are qualified naturalist and speak good english and some french.


Founder: Shreedhar Pokhrel

Probably one of the very best senior nature guide on the indian subcontinent. He is a big nature lover dedicated to share his knowledge with his guests. Shree built the lodge and manages it. He is the leader of the village, giving Racy shade a close proximity with local people and national park officials.


Co owner and Director: Christophe Bouchoux

This french man adopted nepal after 16 years of backpacking throughout the world and chose Bardia as a home. He joined the team in 2004. His only idea is to protect this unvaluable nature by raising awarness and sustainable possibilities.